Saturday, March 01, 2008

Hello. How are you?


This is stage one of greeting. I’m at stage three. I don’t know how many stages there are.

This is for greeting in a morning only. Substitute “la la” for “uhala” in an afternoon and “tokelwa” in an evening.

Knowing who is a “tatekulu” and who is just a “tate” can be tricky. In general, tatekulus have beards and/or carry sticks.


Anonymous said...

What an absolutely interesting blog! What did you draw the pictures with? Keep blogging, I'm very interested in other parts of the world. Have fun!

Kate said...

Fantastically perfect. Since my return 'home' I've been struggling to resist the urge to greet everyone I meet-especially as it's often met with odd looks from the recipient. The only one who seems to understand the importance of a proper greeting is my dad's dog. She insists on saying hello to everyone as well.

Anonymous said...

'Gidday' has worked here for the last three years. Not sure there is another greeting here...

Angharad Hurley said...

Maybe feigning laryngitis is the way forward.... some sort of laminated index cards with greetings pre-printed should suffice.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to address yourself as Tate Shilumbu oDoctor.

Oshili Nawa.

Meme Shilumbu oNoJob

Anonymous said...

Wa la la po tate shilumbo. we are waiting for some portugues